League Policies
Orange County Adult Soccer League is dependent on city, county, school, and privately owned fields. The fields are controled by these entitites, not by OCASL. When the weather is inclement, OCASL will notify its participants as soon as possible. We will update the home page of our web site with weather updates.
Games that are canceled due to inclement weather will be made up according to the built in weather make-up dates (if possible). Teams that are affected will be notified of the rescheduled game time and location. Practice sessions that are canceled will not be rescheduled.
Occasionally, fields will be closed due to wet conditions, even though it is a dry, sunny day. Players are encouraged to visit our home page, or sign up for cancelation text alerts by texting GOOOAL to 84483.
For the spring season, play will begin on or about April 1. Any registrant may cancel his or her registration up through February 14 and receive a full refund - no questions asked. Simply notify us by sending email to info@OCASL.org requesting that you no longer wish to play. Between February 15 and April 15, registrants may withdraw for any reason and receive a partial refund (all but $20), paid to the account holder by check. Notify us by email. After April 15, no refunds are available.
For the fall season, play will begin in late August. Any registrant may cancel his or her registration up through August 7 and receive a full refund - no questions asked. Simply notify us by sending email to info@OCASL.org requesting that you no longer wish to play. Between August 8 and September 7, registrants may withdraw for any reason and receive a partial refund (all but $20), paid to the account holder by check. Notify us by email. After September 7, no refunds are available.
We have a similar policy for summer and winter seasons, full refund for withdrawal at least two weeks before inital games. Partial refund (all but $20) for withdrawal before the end of the second week of the season. No refund after that.
Late Fees
Registration for spring is available from mid-November through April 30. Players who register after March 1 are assessed a late fee of $10 which may be waived if the registrant is new to the area. Registration for fall is available from mid-June through September 30. Players who register after August 1 are assessed a late fee of $10 which may be waived if the registrant is new to the area.
Please understand that we really need everyone to register as early as possible. Since we offer a money back guarantee (see above), there is no risk in registering early. Registering early will help the league make plans for how may fields to reserve, and where to best schedule practice sessions.
A limited number of need based scholarships are available. To apply, send an email to info@OCASL.org explaining your need. Please do so as early in the registration period as possible so that even if we have already issued all available scholarships, we can work to find more.
Player Dismissal
Orange County Adult Soccer League reserves the right to refuse permission to play, and may cancel the registration of, any participant, for any reason it wishes. Depending on the circumstances of this refusal, Orange County Adult Soccer League may offer a full, partial, or no refund of fees collected, according to the refund policy stated above. Decisions of this sort are made in conjunction with the OCASL Board of Advisors, and the captain of the team upon which the player is registered.